Opening event – Conference

On 26.04.2023, at 1:00 p.m., in the hall of the Tourist Information Center at the "Georgi Todorov 1885" school in Belitsa, a launch press conference was held on the project "Workshop for traditional crafts "Mountain signs", Contract No. BGLD-1.007-0062-C01 . The press conference was attended by representatives of the regional media, representatives of the partners, guests and residents of the city.

The Lead partner (candidate) of the project is PCH "Georgi Todorov 1885", Project partner 1 is the Municipality of Belitsa, Project partner 2 - MEBEL INTEX OOD - Belitsa.

The project is financed under the Program "Local Development, Poverty Reduction and Improved Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups" through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014 - 2021 - Small Grant Scheme - "Creation of Jobs", financed by the Financial Mechanism of the EEA and The Norwegian Financial Mechanism with contributions from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The managing authority is the Ministry of Education and Science.

The project Main goal is focused on mobilization of conditions for utilizing the natural, cultural and tourist potential of the target territory/region and the available social capital to achieve economic growth by creating new jobs in municipality of Belitsa area.

The general goal of the project "Workshop for traditional crafts "Mountain signs" is aimed at mobilizing conditions for utilizing the natural, cultural and tourist potential of the territory and the available social capital to achieve economic growth by creating new jobs in the territory of the municipality of Belitsa .

The specific objectives of the project include:

  • Encouraging long-term unemployed and inactive persons from the municipality of Belica for active inclusion in the local labor market through training and employment provision activities;
  • Creation of an opportunity to implement specific measures provided for in the Local Development Strategy developed by the Municipality of Belitsa within the framework of the "Growth through Activation of Local Potential (GALOP)" Project - this project represents a proposal for 60% implementation of the business plan attached to and an integral part of the strategy.
  • Creation of new jobs in business supporting services in tourism and its advertising, building entrepreneurial skills, reducing the unemployment rate in the municipality.

Target groups :

  • Permanently unemployed people with the ability to animate and create.

The representatives of the local government, including mayors, municipal councilors and employees in municipal administrations, are among the most important in terms of creating a business climate on local level. For the development of the project initiative, it is of particular importance to have a proper understanding of its nature and importance and the potential contribution to the local economy and the labor market. The dissemination of information among neighboring municipalities in the target region is the main means of multiplying the results of the project and informing potential future applicants.

5 crafts ateliers/studios will be opened under the project:

One thematic Atelier/Studio for a craftsman in the field of carpentry

Provides a range of equipment and tools for making souvenirs from wood and woodcarving / clocks, animal species - bears, etc., rolling pins, sledges, sofras, icon stands, icons, etc. types, rhododendrons, salt shakers for spices, glasses, chemical holders, chemicals, folk dolls, mill, geranium, hurki, etc.

One working Atelier/Studio for a craftsman in the field of nature and bio-products

It provides a set of equipment and tools for making souvenirs from eco-products of nature — tree bark, cones, herbs - forest tea, spices - forest cumin, wild savory, mushrooms, jam from forest fruits, bee and pine honey, etc.

One working Atelier/Studio for a craftsman in the field of needlework

Provides a set of equipment and tools for souvenirs in the field of knitting and sewing-embroidery: slippers, waistcoats, bags, handles and souvenirs from Bulgarian vezmo / checkers, tablecloths and tishliners, pillows/ etc.

One working Atelier/Studio for a craftsman in the field of weaving

One Atelier/Studio for a craftsman in the field of various types of souvenirs

Provides a range of equipment and tools for making cards, albums, boxes, christening kits and more.


  • 2 souvenir seller jobs and 1 driver job.

    Provides a "minibus"-type mobile object branded "Made in Belitsa" for the sale of products at the "Mountain Signs" Workshop

    Total appointed permanently unemployed – 8

    Construction and equipment of two movable sites with an area of ​​36 square meters each (identified municipally owned land - 1 decare) for the construction of a municipal market in the town of Belitsa.

    Trainings will be held to develop basic knowledge and skills necessary for an entrepreneur - leadership, effective communication (effective listening, feedback, observation, research, etc.), creative and innovative thinking and search for non-standard solutions, risk taking and overcoming fear of failure, presentation skills, attracting partners and like-minded people; teamwork, working with resources, etc., turning local potential into entrepreneurial models, getting to know the entrepreneurial ecosystem and funding options - monitoring the environment.
  • Training focused on the essence of tourism entrepreneurship. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to train those interested in winter and alternative tourism, on issues such as tourism regulations, product packaging, standards in customer service, quality systems, tourist information and advertising, interpretation of natural and cultural heritage , funding opportunities, including familiarization with good practices from other regions of Bulgaria. n this way, people should be motivated and encouraged who already have some stated interest in creating and developing tourist products. It is logical that at a later stage they will attract others who wish to develop similar ideas (the principle of "motivation by example").

    The long-term partnership between the Municipality of Belitsa, business and civil society is key in the process of implementing the "Mountain Signs Workshop for Traditional Crafts" project, as well as for its sustainability. The integration of vulnerable groups in the labor market through inclusion in employment is the main motive for uniting and working in partnership with busines

    The carpentry and woodworking business on the territory of the municipality represent the core of the real sector at the municipal level, forming nearly 43% of the total income from economic activities in the municipality. This gives reason to assume that the sector is key to the economy. The atelier/studio will rely on the supply of necessary materials for making souvenirs from wood and wood, fabric and other materials and consumables from local companies, such as the company MEBEL INTEX Ltd. - a partner in the current project.

    Workshop/aterier for traditional crafts "Mountain signs" - a place where traditions come alive and memories are preserved!